Matsuyama Nobeoka

Midorigaoka Elementary, Nobeoka

May 17, 2009 Letter
Garden Art by Howard Ahner - January 2, 2008
Yukan Daily, Nobeoka
Atago Yama Old Home
Where my daughter studies in order to be able to enter a good college in Japan.
Kei Ka- Parking in Nobeoka
Sanyo Electric Nobeoka
Yeah! They stopped burning.
Nobeoka Greenhouse
Happy New Year, Everyone! Two-Thousand-Nine Will Be Sublime!
Often Unknown
Oshougatsu 2009
Old Stomping Grounds, Midorigaoka, Nagahama Beach, Nobeoka
Midorigaoka Junior High, Nobeoka
Midorigaoka Elementary, Nobeoka
New Nagahama Clubhouse Dec 31, 2008 by Howard Ahner, English Teacher Tel: 0982-34-5666
Refurbisihing-Midorigaoka by Howard Ahner, English Teacher Tel: 0982-34-5666
Ed and Howard Ahner on December 30, 2008 Get your Mic and Camera, please.
Howard Ahner Art: TheBuy
Howard Ahner Art: ElephantMan
Howard Ahner Art: Presented
Howard Ahner Art: BrokenToenail
life itself is the most precious of all treasures
Nagahama Surfing Report - December 28, 2008 by Howard Ahner
Tsurugaoka Sunrise December 28, 2008 by Howard Ahner
My Poor New Chevrolet/Suzuki Dented
Sazanpia Saturday Mornings at 10:40am - English Class
Sazanpia Saturday Mornings at 9:30am - English Class
The Last Picture Show
Kristina Told a Joke
My Cancer Updates
Fridays at 5:00pm - Tsurugaoka - December 26, 2008
Added Pictures of Friday at 5:00pm Class in Nobeoka
Blurry Nobeoka Artist
Onuki Cho 1 and 2


Happiness In This World


There is no greater happiness for human beings than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The sutra says, "The people there [in my land] are happy and at ease." "Happy and at ease" here means the joy derived from the Law. You are obviously included among the "people," and "there" indicates the entire world, which includes Japan. "Happy and at ease" means to know that our lives--both our bodies and minds, ourselves and our surroundings--are the entities of ichinen sanzen and the Buddha of absolute freedom. There is no greater happiness than having faith in the Lotus Sutra. It promises us "peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next." Never let life's hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages.


Just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and when you drink sake, stay at home with your wife. Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens. Then you will experience boundless joy from the Law. Strengthen your faith more than ever.


With my deep respect,



The twenty-seventh day of the sixth month in the second year of Kenji (1276)


Ahner Eikaiwa Nobeoka
Howard Ahner, English Teacher



Myogyoji Temple

P.O. Box 403 
West Chicago, IL 60186 
Phone: 630-293-5235